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UFO/Orb observert over Oslo

januar 22, 2009

UPDATE: «UFO Reports in the UK» fra UK Ministry of Defence.

Observert fra ca. 18:00 til 18:30 onsdag kveld 21. januar. Dukket først opp lengre sør (venstre) med varierende lysstyrke før den «fadet» ut og dukket opp lengre vest. «Fadet» inn og ut ca. 5 ganger over ca. 30 minutter. Jeg ønsker innspill på hva dette kan ha vært? Planeten Venus?

Filmet med Sony camcorder beklageligvis uten stativ. Jeg har en 2 GB videofil (samme opptak) for de som er interessert i å studere nøyere. Se også «Norway in UFO photographs» (PDF) fra UFO Norge.

2 kommentarer
  1. Bosse permalink

    Sånn går det når man diskuterer UFOer kvelden før…


  2. “I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.”
    President Harry S. Truman, 1950

    “The next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.”
    Five Star General Douglas Macarthur, 1955

    “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
    Admiral Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter, First director of the CIA

    We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers, and in six or nine months’ time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.
    The Father of Rocket Science, Wernher von Braun, in reference to the deflection of the U.S. Juno 2 rocket from its orbit.

    “If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one.”
    President Jimmy Carter

    “In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject.”
    President Gerald Ford

    “It is true that I was denied access to a facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton , Ohio , because I never got in I can’t tell you what was inside. We both know about the rumors (concerning a captured UFO and crew members). I have never seen what I would call a UFO, but I have intelligent friends who have.”
    U.S. Senator, U.S. General Barry Goldwater

    “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
    President Ronald Reagan

    “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.” — “Anything you can imagine we already know how to do.” — “There are two types of UFOs – the ones we build, and the ones THEY build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual “Hand-me-downs.” — The Government knew, and until a 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon “Purge”, administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector.
    Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works

    “While flying with several other USAF pilots over Germany in 1957, we sighted numerous radiant flying discs above us. We couldn’t tell how high they were. We couldn’t get anywhere near their altitude.” “While working with a camera crew supervising flight testing of advanced aircraft at Edward’s Air Force Base, California, the camera crew filmed the landing of a strange disc object that flew in over their heads and landed on a dry lake nearby. As camera crewman approached the saucer, it rose up above the area and flew off at a speed faster than any known aircraft.”

    “For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA , our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quality of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means.”

    “I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. It happened a few months ago in Florida . There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentations left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at enormous speed—I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public”
    NASA Astronaut, L. Gordon Cooper.

    “Back in those glory days, I was very uncomfortable when they asked us to say things we didn’t want to say and deny other things. Some people asked, you know, were you alone out there? We never gave the real answer, and yet we see things out there, strange things, but we know what we saw out there. And we couldn’t really say anything. The bosses were really afraid of this, they were afraid of the War of the Worlds type stuff, and about panic in the streets. So we had to keep quiet. And now we only see these things in our nightmares or maybe in the movies and some of them are pretty close to being the truth.”
    NASA Astronaut, John Glenn.

    “I have talked with people of military and government credentials and position and heard their stories, and their desire to tell their stories openly to the public. And that got my attention very, very rapidly—the first hand experiences of these credible witnesses that, now in advanced years are anxious to tell their story. We can’t deny that, and the evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site—.”

    “A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered,” said Mitchell, who was the sixth man to walk on the moon. Mitchell, who landed on the moon with Alan B. Shepard, said a “cabal” of insiders stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy.
    NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

    Fra http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/


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